The Breakout Bulletin
The following article was originally published in the May 2003 issue of The Breakout Bulletin.
The Analogy of System Optimization to Least Squares Regression
Last month I presented a simple statistical test based on confidence intervals to help evaluate the profitability of a trading system based on its trade history. One caveat to that test was that it can’t tell us if the system has been over-fit to the market and therefore not likely to perform well in the future. This month, I’m going to try to address this problem by way of analogy to least squares regression.
Some traders believe the only good optimization is no optimization. Others re-optimize their systems every week. The wide diversity of opinions on the subject is reflective of the lack of concrete answers to the questions that system optimization raises. The primary question is whether optimization leads to systems that are “over-fit” to the market.
Any profitable trading system is “fit” to the market in the sense that it must be aligned with some underlying characteristic of the market to be successful.
I use the phrase “over-fit” to suggest that the degree of fit is so tight that if future market behavior deviates even slightly from the past, the system will become out of sync with the market and will not be profitable.
From this point of view, the key to optimization is to fit the system to the market without over-fitting it. A system that is properly optimized will be able to handle normal variations in market behavior, whereas an over-fit system will not.
One way to understand the difference between fitting and over-fitting is to look at the process of system optimization as a kind of least squares regression; i.e., curve fitting. Consider the standard least squares curve fitting problem shown in Fig. 1. The problem is: determine the values m (slope) and b (y intercept) for the equation y = m*x + b that best fits the equation to the data points (x1, y1), (x2, y2), …, (x5, y5).
図1に掲載した標準的な最小2乗回帰のカーブフィッティングの問題について考えてみる。この問題は、データポイント(x1, y1), (x2, y2), …, (x5, y5)にフィットするようにy = m*x + bの式のm(傾き)とb(y切片)の値を決定することである。
Figure 1. Fitting a straight line to a set of data points. The line is given by the equation y = m*x + b, where m is the slope and b is the y-intercept. The data points are given by (x1, y1), …, (x5, y5). At the x value of each data point, the corresponding value of y that lies on the line is given by yi*; e.g., y1*, y2*, etc. The line is fit the to the data points by minimizing the sum of the squares of the differences between yi and yi*.
この線は式 y = m*x + bで表され、mは傾きbはy切片である。
データポイントは(x1, y1), (x2, y2), …, (x5, y5)である。
それぞれのデータポイントのxの値に対応するこの線上のyの値は、yi*(例えばy1*, y2*など)として与えられる。
In the least squares method, we calculate the value of y that lies on the curve y = m*x + b at each data point, x (x1, x2, etc). For example, at x1, the y value of the curve is y1*. We then calculate the difference between the curve, y1*, and the data point, y1 and take the square of this difference. The sum of all such squares represents the total deviation of the curve from the data points. The values of m and b that minimize this sum give us the line that best fits the data points. This is the least squares regression method for fitting a line to a set of data points.
最小2乗法で、我々はそれぞれのデータポイントx(x1、x2など)に対応した(曲)線y = m*x + bのyの値を計算する。