The Breakout Bulletin
The following article was originally published in April 2003 issue of The Breakout Bulletin.
A Statistical Method for Evaluating Trading Systems
- Much of technical analysis, particularly as applied to futures trading, is ad hoc.
Most technical indicators, for example, while written in the language of mathematics, are essentially someone’s view of how the markets should work. The stochastic oscillator, for example, is based on the idea that in a rising market, the closes tend to be near the top of the recent high-low range.
If prices hover near the top of this range, then presumably the market is ‘overbought’ and likely to fall.
This has no more (or less) mathematical justification than the algebra on which the stochastic is based.
;This is not to dismiss technical analysis, some of which can be quite useful.
However, it probably pays not to be overly impressed with complicated-looking technical formulations, most of which have only anecdotal justification for their intended use.
例えばストキャスティック オシレーターは、マーケットの上昇時には終値が最近の高値と安値の範囲内の上部近くにある傾向を示すという考えに基づいている。
- There are exceptions, of course.
I would put statistical methods into this category.
Anytime you can find a statistical method that applies to trading, it’s probably worth looking into.
In fact, I tend to think of even simple statistical methods, like the one I’m about to present, as a level above most technical analysis.
- One question that can be addressed by the use of statistics is whether a trading system is inherently profitable.
We can approach this problem using confidence intervals for the average trade.
If we have a sample of, say, 100 trades from a trading system, we can compute the average trade, T.
Of course, we expect T to be greater than zero, indicating that the system has been profitable on average.
However, if we took a different sample of 100 trades, we would, in general, find a different average trade, T.
If the variation among the trades is large enough, it’s possible that some of these averages could be less than zero, indicating that the system was not profitable on average for those trades.
もしトレーディングシステムによる100回のトレードのサンプルがあるならば、我々は平均トレード“ T ”をコンピュータ処理することができる。
- By computing the confidence intervals for the average, T, we can determine whether it’s likely that the average will be greater than zero.
The confidence intervals specify upper and lower bounds for the average.
The true average lies within those bounds with some specified probability or confidence level, such as 95%.
The equation for the confidence intervals is as follows:
CI = t * SD/sqrt(N)
- where t is the Student’s t statistic, SD is the standard deviation of the trades, N is the number of trades, and sqrt represents “square root.
” The average trade is likely to lie between T – CI and T + CI.
For the system to be profitable at our specified confidence level, we need T > CI.
平均トレードはT – CI と T + CI の間にありそうである。
我々の指定した信頼度(または信頼係数)で利益の出せるシステムとするためには、T > CI が必要となる。
- The value of t depends on the specified confidence level and the number of trades, N.
The exact value can be found in a statistics table for the t distribution or calculated in software, such as from the TINV function in Excel.
However, provided we have a reasonably large number of trades, the exact value is not necessary.
If N = 60, the t value for 95% confidence is t = 2.00.
For larger values of N, t will get slightly smaller, dropping to 1.96 for very large N.
To be conservative, then, we can take t = 2.00 as long as we have at least 60 trades.
If our actual value of N is larger than 60, we will have slightly larger intervals than if we used the exact value of t.
Under this assumption, then, we have
もしN = 60であれば信頼度が95%となるためにはt = 2.00である。
より慎重にするならば、少なくとも60回のトレード回数がある限りt = 2.00を使う。
CI = 2 * SD/sqrt(N); N >= 60, 95% confidence(信頼度).