- An accurate simulation of this system taking into account position sizing, account equity, and margin requirements would answer this question.
The type of position sizing I have in mind is
based on risking a percentage of the trading account on each trade.
For example, we might risk 3% of account equity on each trade.
For the system above, if we had a $15,000 account, and the risk per contract is $212, risking 3% of the account would give us 0.03*15000/212 = 2.12 or 2 contracts.
As the account equity grew, we’d be risking 3% of a larger number, which would give us more contracts.
Added to a trading system simulation, this type of position sizing allows us to relate risk to reward.
上記のシステムでは、もし資金が15000ドルであれば、建て玉1枚あたりのリスクは212ドルであり、資金の3%のリスクをとることは0.03 * 15000 / 212 = 2.12枚または2枚でトレードを行うということだ。
- If we ran the trade simulation for the system above assuming 3% of equity was risked on each trade, we could see what kind of drawdown we might expect, what kind of equity curve we might get, and what kind of returns to expect.
We could try other risk percentages, too.
If we did, we’d see that higher risk percentages give higher rates of return but higher drawdowns as well.
By testing a number of different risk percentages, we could get a pretty good sense of the relationship between risk and return for this system.
This is what I meant when I said that position sizing is a way to relate risk to reward.
- You might have noticed that I’m using the word “risk” in two different ways.
On the one hand, we use risk to refer to the amount of money or percentage of the trading account at risk on a particular trade.
If the trade is a loss, we could lose $212, for example, or perhaps 3% of the trading account.
This is the trade risk.
On the other hand, the worst-case peak-to-valley drawdown of a trading system is a
common and practical measure of the
overall risk of a trading system.
By risking a percentage of the account on each trade, the simulation can relate the trade risk to the drawdown risk as well as the rate of return to the drawdown risk.
- This brings us to the second way to improve the accuracy of trading system simulations. Inasmuch as maximum peak-to-valley drawdown is a useful measure of system risk, improving the calculation of the drawdown will improve our simulation results and thereby provide us with a better evaluation of the system. Although we can’t predict how the market will differ tomorrow from what we’ve seen in the past, we do know it will be different. If we calculate the maximum drawdown based on the historical sequence of trades, we’re basing our calculations on a sequence of trades we know won’t be repeated exactly. Even if the distribution of trades (in the statistical sense) is the same in the future, the sequence of those trades is largely a matter of chance. Calculating the drawdown based on one particular sequence is somewhat arbitrary. Moreover, the sequence of trades has a very large effect on the calculated drawdown. If you choose a sequence of trades where five losses occur in a row, you could get a very large drawdown. The same trades arranged in a different order, such that the losses are evenly dispersed, might have a negligible drawdown.
最大のピークトゥバレィ ドローダウンのことを考えれば、これはシステムのリスクについての役立つ測定であり、ドローダウンの計算の向上はシミュレーションの結果を向上させ、システムのよりよい評価ができる。
- As a way to address this problem, we can apply a Monte Carlo approach.
The idea is to randomize the sequence of historical trades and calculate the rate of return and drawdown for the randomized sequence.
We then repeat the process several hundred or thousand times.
Looking at the results in aggregate, we might find, for example, that in 95% of the sequences, the drawdown was less than 30% when 4% of the equity was risked on each trade.
We would interpret this to mean that there’s a 95% chance that the drawdown will be less than 30% when 4% is risked on each trade.
I discuss this process in more detail in the user’s guide for the MonteCarlo console program.
The user’s guide is available for free download at http://www.breakoutfutures.com/Downloads.html.*
- Combining the Monte Carlo approach with risk-based position sizing improves our system trading simulations considerably.
As an example, let’s go back to the system results presented above.
I took 200 consecutive trades from the system, spanning about 10 months.
The risk for each trade was the same: $212. I started with an account size of $20,000.
Running the trades through my Monte Carlo simulator produced the following table of results:
私は約10ヶ月間に渡りながら、 200もの連続したトレードをシステムから取り上げた。
f value Return(%) Drawdown(%)
0.01 0 0
0.02 20.575 4.48405
0.03 39.475 6.80517
0.04 60.63 9.81719
0.05 84.6125 12.359
0.06 111.568 14.7371
0.07 141.488 17.3188
0.08 174.873 20.2822
0.09 211.705 22.2958
0.1 252.18 25.5526
0.11 295.582 26.8196
0.12 344.142 30.3462
0.13 397.335 31.8658
0.14 456.025 34.3499
0.15 518.737 37.4941
0.16 586.433 38.1433
0.17 661.447 42.035
0.18 740.9 44.3473
0.19 827.923 45.8333
0.2 921.35 46.3659
0.21 1021.49 47.9949
0.22 1128.46 51.2275
- The first column, “f value” is the fraction of the account risked on each trade, also known as the fixed fraction.
For example, 0.03 means that 3% is risked on each trade.
The second column, “Return(%)”, is the net rate of return on the starting equity over the period, and “Drawdown(%)” is the maximum (i.e., worst-case) peak-to-valley drawdown expressed as a percentage of the equity existing prior to the start of the drawdown.
A drawdown of 20%, for example, means the account equity fell 20% from the highest equity peak preceding the drawdown.
All calculations are on a closed trade basis.
The results are tabulated at a confidence level of 95%.
最初の列 “ f “は各トレードでリスクとしてとる資産の割合であり、これは固定割合として知られている。
2つめの列“Return(%)”は期間での開始時の資金への純収益率、“Drawdon(%)”は最大(最悪の)ピークトゥバレィ ドローダウンであり、ドローダウンの開始の前に存在する資産のパーセンテージとして表される。